Wednesday, July 26, 2006

It is all his fault!

I ran into my mother's distant relative near my office today. She is my mother's elder sister's husband's mother's sister's daughter - well, go figure!

As she walked towards me, I flashed a smile at her, since my 1-out-of-4million-smiles is not reserved for ang-mohs only. And I politely addressed her "Hi Auntie!". She looked at me for a while and I had to introduce myself "eh....I am 4th aunt's 2nd daughter...." She said "ah! yes! yes! wa! you are "pui" hor! very nice!"

Excuse me, but who greets another woman species by telling her that she is fat? Did she think that I would be flattered? Or that I may mistaken it as a compliment? I excused myself and left and swear never to acknowledge any of my mom's distant relatives again! Well next time, I could greet her like this :

"hello auntie, wah! long time no see, you are very old hor?"
"hello auntie, yes I am fat, but you are single!"

Or I may just simply ignore her.

There is another of couple, friends of mine from University - they married each other. No wonder they are the same. Each will take turns to say to me "you put on weight hor! ha! ha! ha!" or "wa! very fat hor!" Being the good natured person that I am, I just ignored them but still call them friends. Or I could tell them off : "Excuse me, you are also very fat!" But we will still be friends. I wonder why we choose to be friends with people who are mean to us? Well that is another story for another time.

Hey! I have the license to be fat - I am a mother of 2 boys. My tummy has been stretched twice to many times its size when I conceived my 2 boys. Can someone give me a break? Can you please stop commenting on my weight already?

A small voice in my head says - but Wong Li Lin is so slim and she also has 2 kids!

Hey! But I am not Wong Li Lin ok?! Do you really need to rub it in?

I read about Olinda in the newspaper the other day - she said she will always have some flesh. Well, some flesh is nice. My husband said he doesn't like skinny girls - like Fiona Xie and some other TV celebrities, he's always said that they are too scrawny for his liking. So maybe that's why he is attracted to me as I have always been on the chubby side.

But he is also making comments.

I asked him one day "B, Am I fat?"
He said "A bit."
I frowned and said "You should not have said that. You should have said, you are not fat, you are the mother of my 2 lovely boys and I think you look very pretty!"
He said "You are not fat, you are the mother of my 2 lovely boys and I think you look very pretty!"
I said "That's not counted because I told you what to say"
He said "Oh man! You are so hard to please!"

It is not that I am not doing anything about the weight. In fact, it has got nothing to do about the weight, it has got everything to do with what pregnancy do to your tummy. One of my friends, who has had 3 babies, has very skinny hands and legs, but she still looks 5 months pregnant (this is what she said, not me). She told me that she has to be conscious of keeping her tummy in when riding in the MRT or risks being mistaken as pregnant and the embarassment of someone giving up their seat for her. But really, she shouldn't worry. Singaporeans don't give up their seat so easily on the MRT, I can be witness to that.

But honestly, since I can no longer fit into many of my pants, I have been consciously cutting down on my food and carbohydrate intake. For instance, instead of my beloved 2 slices of peanut butter sandwich, I cut down to one, and now I just have an apple for breakfast. Instead of having dinner, I resort to just drinking soup for 2 weeks, sometime I eat less but I cannot resist my mother-in-law's fried chicken, wheat prawns and curry - they are simply too sedap!

Well, just the other day, I drank an energy drink for dinner and proudly told my maid that that is all I am having for dinner. Later that night, we were at the airport to send a relative off. After that, Wey wanted to eat something as he was hungry. We ended up at Popeye Chicken at Terminal 1 - and I have 2 pieces of Fried Chicken because it smelled so good.

So who's fault is it that I am what I weigh?

It is all Wey's fault!


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